Friday, June 24, 2011

EcoCAR Competition Gives Auto Industry Talent Scouts Access to Talented Engineers

EcoCar Challenge

Edmunds AutoObserver - June 16, 2011

U.S., Canadian college and university engineering teams raced to finish line in EcoCAR fuel-efficiency competition Virginia Tech took 1st place in 3-year competition Required dozens of exacting rules and standards for best-performing green-vehicle prototype Teams had to deal w/ Murphy's Law - what could go wrong did go wrong Student teams' ability to overcome unexpected technology obstacles 1 of major draws of competition for sponsors Opportunity for talent scouts to see some of nation's best engineering students working in real-world atmosphere Many students in such contests have found participation leading to jobs w/ major automakers and industry suppliers Formally titled EcoCAR Challenge, 1st in what promises to be on-going series of 3-year competitions Provides engineering students chance to design and build advanced alternative-fuel vehicles Demonstrate leading-edge automotive technologies, especially devoted to cutting gasoline consumption/ emissions GM provided production vehicles, components, seed money, technical mentoring, operational support U.S. DOE and its R&D facility provided competition management, team evaluation, technical, logistical support This fall, DOE will kick off another 3-year contest, EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge

View the original article here

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