Saturday, June 25, 2011

Skeptics of Hydrogen Cars Include Obama


USA TODAY - June 19, 2011

Some automakers ready to produce hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles But President Obama is skeptical of technology Even though only emission is water vapor from tailpipe Hydrogen was championed by President Bush to reduce foreign oil dependence Obama may cut research and development funding Officials say plug-in electric vehicles are more practical Automakers say administration's assessment is out of date Point to recent breakthroughs that are reducing costs Cars like Honda FCX are already on road "We're prepared to make thousands of these cars. But it really comes down to how many fuel stations there are at that point. It's a chicken and egg story for us." -- Mike O'Brien, VP product planning, Hyundai Motor America "If we made the Honda Odyssey in these quantities, they would be $1 million vehicles. When we have a dedicated assembly line and we calculate with scale in 2015 to 2020, what the price will be then is what's relevant." -- Stephen Ellis, manager fuel-cell marketing, Honda

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