Friday, June 24, 2011

UAW Pushing for International Labor Agreements


The Detroit News - June 23, 2011

UAW and leaders of other unions representing workers at Fiat/Chrysler reached an agreement Agreed to negotiate together w/ Fiat on issues of mutual interest Included UAW and unions from Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Serbia Representatives from Canadian Auto Workers and unions from South America not present Called on Fiat to begin talks with them on an international framework agreement Cover issues of mutual concern to workers at auto factories and Fiat's other industrial plants Part of broader effort by UAW to promote more international approach to labor relations UAW reached similar agreement w/ unions representing Ford around world late last yr In discussions w/ trade unions representing GM workers internationally Prevent automakers from playing workers in one country off those in another Formal negotiations between UAW and Detroit automakers set to begin next mth Current contracts set to expire in September "We think it can be a tremendous benefit to our collective membership of the global unions and can also be a tremendous benefit to the company." -- Bob King, President, United Auto Workers "We are convinced that an international framework agreement will show the company's commitment to social responsibility and respect for human rights." - Union Letter to Fiat

View the original article here

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